Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Water purification systems are a complete set of filtration elements, the main purpose of which is the elimination of calcium and magnesium from the water.


All YOUNG IN products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant YOUNG IN: water purification systems, gas chromatography, gas generators, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, chromatographic data systems
  • Water purification systems YOUNG IN
    Water purification systems
    aquapuri 5, etc.
  • Gas chromatography YOUNG IN
    Gas chromatography
    ChroZen GC-VUV, etc.
  • Gas generators YOUNG IN
    Gas generators
    Whisper N2 et al.
  • Liquid chromatography YOUNG IN
    Liquid chromatography
    ChroZen HPLC/LC, etc.
  • Mass spectrometers YOUNG IN
    Mass spectrometers
    ChroZen GC/MS, etc.
  • Chromatographic data systems YOUNG IN
    Chromatographic data systems
    YL-Clarity, etc.


YOUNG IN Company (Korea) - is one of the leading manufacturers of analytical instruments.
  • popularity

    YOUNG IN has been supplying reliable and high-quality chromatographs and mass spectrometers worldwide for more than 30 years.
  • production

    The company provides almost 20 specialized analyzers with a tailored solution for a specific application.

    YOUNG IN also produces laboratory water purification systems and gas generators.

Information Board YOUNG IN

Learn more about our products YOUNG IN.
  • Questionnaire in the store YOUNG IN


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