Shipping throughout Russia and to other countries

Liquid chromatography is a method of separation, identification, quantification and physico-chemical investigation of substances.


All YOUNG IN products

The group «New Technologies» offers products from the plant YOUNG IN: water purification systems, gas chromatography, gas generators, liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry, chromatographic data systems
  • Water purification systems YOUNG IN
    Water purification systems
    aquapuri 5, etc.
  • Gas chromatography YOUNG IN
    Gas chromatography
    ChroZen GC-VUV, etc.
  • Gas generators YOUNG IN
    Gas generators
    Whisper N2 et al.
  • Liquid chromatography YOUNG IN
    Liquid chromatography
    ChroZen HPLC/LC, etc.
  • Mass spectrometers YOUNG IN
    Mass spectrometers
    ChroZen GC/MS, etc.
  • Chromatographic data systems YOUNG IN
    Chromatographic data systems
    YL-Clarity, etc.


YOUNG IN Company (Korea) - is one of the leading manufacturers of analytical instruments.
  • popularity

    YOUNG IN has been supplying reliable and high-quality chromatographs and mass spectrometers worldwide for more than 30 years.
  • production

    The company provides almost 20 specialized analyzers with a tailored solution for a specific application.

    YOUNG IN also produces laboratory water purification systems and gas generators.

Information Board YOUNG IN

Learn more about our products YOUNG IN.
  • Questionnaire in the store YOUNG IN


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